I have decided to keep a diary for Toby so relatives and friends can keep uptodate with his daily life.
At the moment poor Toby is having a hard time with his teeth, they have come through in a strange order, his 6th tooth, which is one of the top middle is taking a long time to come out, and he has all the usual complaints, sore bottom, rash on his face, runny bum etc. Fingers crossed it will be over soon, all this waking up at night is wearing me out.
We had a reasonably quiet Christmas and New Year, we spent Christmas day at Nelsons Dockyard followed by dinner at our friends Ian and Moyra's. New Year was a bit of a right off, we had planned to leave Toby with his babysitter and go and party, unfortunately due to the 'screaming ab dabs' we had to shelve this, I was woken at midnight by Kevin shaking me awake to wish me happy New Year, followed by loud bangs when all the fireworks exploded overhead, amazingly Toby managed to sleep through all the noise.
I will leave you with some recent photographs...

Happy New Year
At the moment poor Toby is having a hard time with his teeth, they have come through in a strange order, his 6th tooth, which is one of the top middle is taking a long time to come out, and he has all the usual complaints, sore bottom, rash on his face, runny bum etc. Fingers crossed it will be over soon, all this waking up at night is wearing me out.
We had a reasonably quiet Christmas and New Year, we spent Christmas day at Nelsons Dockyard followed by dinner at our friends Ian and Moyra's. New Year was a bit of a right off, we had planned to leave Toby with his babysitter and go and party, unfortunately due to the 'screaming ab dabs' we had to shelve this, I was woken at midnight by Kevin shaking me awake to wish me happy New Year, followed by loud bangs when all the fireworks exploded overhead, amazingly Toby managed to sleep through all the noise.
I will leave you with some recent photographs...

Happy New Year
Looks good, concise with clear pics. glad no pics. of the nappy probs!
Mark Cowley
Amber, Kevin & Toby
Happy New Year to you all - think this is a brilliant idea and its great to see new photo's - Toby has grown so much but I guess that's what babies do !!
Miss you loads
Hi Amber
Two days in a row, keep up the good work.
Lots of love
Mum & Dad
dont listen to cowley we want nappy pictures. he s looking great and almost as big as kev.
Glad to see you are all well.
Like the web page, but can you not talk about sore bottoms.
Hi Amber, Kevin & Toby
Fantastic Website and lovely pictures. Toby is so big now but looks just as cuddly as ever.
Missing you loads
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