Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sorry for the delay in writing..

Busy busy! We've been to baby group this morning which we both enjoyed, especially after the shock of Toby attempting to stop the fan with his finger, I honestly thought he's lost the top of it, but all is well and its really just a small cut, scared the hell out of both of us though.

We've had a lovely couple of weeks with Nanny and Grandad, we still have two days so a bit more time to annoy them yet!

Toby is desperately trying to catch one of the lizards, but they are just too fast for him, just as well as I'm sure he'd just pull their tail off.

Swimming is going well, I shall try to add a couple of pictures that the instructor took, one of them is underwater. He has really taken to swimming in the sea now as well, which is great but scary as he makes a mad dash straight for the water as soon as we arrive on the beach, he's had a few accidental dunkings and swallowed some sea water but that hasn't stopped him yet.

We've also been to a lovely hotel for lunch, our taxi for the day was a Sunseeker, see photo attached, he was actually very quiet and subdued, not sure if it was the noise or the fact that I made him wear a lifevest and he didn't look cool!
OK I give up, I have tried to upload the photos and it just won't play ball, so I will do them as soon as I can... bye for now


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