An update at last
Well after repeated atempts to upload some photos of Toby's birthday, I finally gave up, it seems that I have saved them in the wrong format and my IT adviser is back in Antigua so it may be some time before I can get it sorted.
However, a good time was had by all and Toby is now officially a toddler! His walking is really getting good now but he does sometimes still remind me of a drunken old man!
We have had some indicators that more teeth are on the way, but no sign just yet, which is probably just as well as he has decided that brushing is not something he wants to do but he does like to chew the brush so that will have to suffice for the time being.
I will try to update more regularly but I seem to spend so much time running after Toby that I have no time for anything else!
Just a quick word of congratulations to my cousin Liz who gave birth yesterday to Molly, well done, we look forward to meeting her soon.

One photo has appeared, this is Toby munching some birthday tea
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