Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The start of a new era?

Today is the second day that we have had a child minder, I have to admit that yesterday was a bit of a disaster but it was probably my own fault, I should have just left them to it, instead I stayed around the house and he constantly had his arms around my legs or was screaming if I wasn't there, today we had the baby group here then as soon as they had left I went out for a while, aside from 5 minutes of crying he forgot all about me. So all I need to do now is to persuade her to swap her days so we can still go to baby group then I can have two Toby free days to myself.... hmmm maybe I can get one of those suntans that everyone expects me to have!
He is also having a bit of trouble with his teeth again, he seems to have struggled with all of them so far, I shall be pleased when they are all out and we can forget about them for a few years till the next lot start.
Right, well I am going to pack up a bag with our swimming gear and take advantage of the sunshine, now then the pool or the beach???


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