First British Blog Entry
So we made it back in one piece, took possession of the keys to the new house and promptly had a gas leak and had no heat or hot water for several days, the gas man said we were lucky it wasn't cold, I assume he was joking on that one!
Toby is adjusting to things here slowly, not surprisingly he is very clingy and poor thing has a horrid cold, I don't think he has ever really experienced temperatures as low as these, I don't care what that weather man says, he might say its mild but its really blooming cold.
We have bought him a new bed, he hasn't actually slept in it yet but he seems to quite like it, one of these fine days he might be tempted to lay his head down in it to sleep rather than just to play, but I guess these things take time. He has been very excited by all the new furniture, he even likes his new highchair.
I think today might be the day that I venture out and buy the Christmas tree, I am taking bets at how long it will remain standing before being pulled down.

A rare photograph of Toby and I taken on our last visit to Dominica
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