Happy New Year
Better late than never, we've had no internet connection for a couple of weeks, thanks to BT so I have not been able to update the blog.
Today, Toby had his first day at nursery school, he had a great time and brought home a lovely painting. To start with he will attend twice a week we'll see how he gets on then we might extend to 3 days, its only a couple of hours in the morning. I've also been looking for Tumble tots and Gymboree in this area, just something that we can do together but where there are other children for him to watch as he seems fascinated by all small people.
We had some professional photos taken yesterday, mainly of Toby but we were both roped in for a few, we have a viewing tomorrow so I shall no doubt post the results if we decide to buy, I hope we do as Toby really seemed to enjoy it, and I'm sure there will be some good ones.
Opening presents on Christmas morning

Today, Toby had his first day at nursery school, he had a great time and brought home a lovely painting. To start with he will attend twice a week we'll see how he gets on then we might extend to 3 days, its only a couple of hours in the morning. I've also been looking for Tumble tots and Gymboree in this area, just something that we can do together but where there are other children for him to watch as he seems fascinated by all small people.
We had some professional photos taken yesterday, mainly of Toby but we were both roped in for a few, we have a viewing tomorrow so I shall no doubt post the results if we decide to buy, I hope we do as Toby really seemed to enjoy it, and I'm sure there will be some good ones.

Our garden yesterday morning, Toby's never seen snow before but had no interest in going outside, far too cold
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