It's been a long time....
I am sorry for not getting this updated, there really is no excuse, apologies to any Uncles that may have been worried about me!
We have just got back from a holiday in Antigua, it was lovely to be back there and it did feel like going home, except our home is rented out and we had to stay in a villa so not completely like home. Toby seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself, especially being back in the pool, he impressed us with his underwater swimming skills which he wasn't doing before.
He is still attending play group 2 mornings a week, he didn't seem to suffer being away for two weeks, and proudly handed me a lovely Mother's day card yesterday which was all his own work, made me feel quite choked, but I have promised myself never to be seen blubbing there again!
We shall be celebrating both his 2nd birthday and Mother's Day (and my birthday!) this Sunday with a small party just for the wrinklies, party food all round, yum.
I shall now attempt to add some photos, which is never very successful so don't hold your breath.

OK, this Uncle was worried, and now isn't.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Amber
Happy Birthday to you
for yesterday :)
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