Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's been a long time ...

Well the IT bloke is back from his 'holiday' in England and he has bought me a new computer so I thought I had better use it quick smart! Apologies for the delay in bringing you up-to-date with young Toby's doings.
To be honest we haven't been up to much, its too darn hot, plenty of visits to the beach and the pool though. The last swimming lesson of this term is Saturday, oh goody its just before the football! I can't make up my mind whether to sign up for some extra 'crash' swimming lessons just to keep our hand in so to speak, as we move up to the next class for the Autumn term and we wouldn't want to fall behind! Mind you Toby is a dab hand at swimming on his own now, wearing a back pack and armbands, much to the disgust of the swimming instructor. I will post some new pictures as soon as I have moved all the files onto this gleaming machine.
Toby has found a new skill in the past week or so, demolishing the mosquito nets seems to amuse him, shame he hasn't picked up that the pesky biters find their way in that way, we've both been bitten to pieces, I guess that's another job for IT bloke, far reaching talents he has! Lets hope he can fix the fridge too!
We are still planning on returning to cooler climes at some point in the not too distant future, as usual dates to be confirmed, will keep you posted.

Monday, June 05, 2006

2 Cox's on the beach...

Big Cox and Little Cox

I'm still having trouble downloading the swimming photos as they have been saved in a different format, I'm sure that eventually I will be assisted by the IT bloke...