Christmas is coming ...
and don't we know it, everyday Toby asks if it's here yet, I think this will be the year where he gets up in the middle of the night to check for Santa's arrival, he's one very excited boy.
In the meantime he's settling really well into school, I wouldn't go as far as to say he loves it but he certainly seems to enjoy it, he's becoming very interested in learning to read, he tells me what letters he's been learning at school and practices writing most days, he also has access to the library where he can go as often as he likes and choose his own books, but he brings the same book home every day, I know it backwards now, a bit of variety would be good.

We visited LegoLand at half term with Michael and Sue, we had a great time, even though we had to queue for ages for each ride. It's the boys new favourite place, I think next time we go I'll pick an inset day then perhaps it won't be so busy.