Monday, February 27, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Temper Temper
Toby is walking really well, but other things seem to have gone downhill, especially his cheery nature, he has become a grumpy bugger and has started having temper tantrums, I thought this didn't happen until the Terrible Two's. Is this normal? Please tell me he will go back to being a happy little chap soon.
We've had a lovely day at the beach today, Kevin and I had lots of fun building sand castles and Toby loved knocking them down.
We are now planning on coming back to England earlier, so we may be there in time for Toby's birthday.

Saturday, February 18, 2006
11 Months Today
I think it's fair to say officially that Toby is walking, he does sometimes revert to hands and knees but it seems to be his preference to walk, every hour it seems he gets better at it. Unfortunately, his swimming seems to have suffered as a result, his instructor Zoe was almost as upset as me to see Toby joining the ranks of the girls and become a bit of a screamer, but she reassures me this is entirely normal and he'll be back to normal within a few weeks, I also think he was a bit tired this morning, he fell asleep as soon as we got in the car to come home.
I am starting to think about planning for Toby's first birthday party, 4 weeks today, if anyone has any good ideas please let me know, I think they'll just play like an ordinary Wednesday morning, but in party wear! If anyone wants to come and help us celebrate, jump on a plane and come over.
We have been asked a few times when we are planning on coming back to England for a visit, so far, it seems that sometime in April is favourite, then hopefully we can get a weeks skiing in too. I also plan to spend most of the Summer away from Antigua as its just too hot, also the thought of being here when a hurricane hits freaks me out, so Toby and I at least will be spending time in England then too (Kevin will probably be building houses)
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
More new shoes...
Forgive me father for it has been 10 days since my last entry.... Time has been getting away from me this last week.
The sandals I bought have been a bit of a disaster, far too big, so I have been into town again today to buy some more. If a Clarks shoes person ever reads this, please open a branch in Antigua. So 4 shops into our trip and I spot the perfect pair of velcro trainers. With much faffing in trying to get Toby to sit still and hold his foot flat, why he suddenly developed claws for feet I shall never know, he kept the assistant entertained though, we finally have a good fit (fingers crossed they still fit tomorrow) and very smart they are too.
A few steps have been taken, but I wouldn't go as far as to say he can walk, he much prefers zooming around on all fours, he's keeping us in suspense, I expect he'll do it when I'm not around.
We had all Toby's playmates around on Wednesday morning which was fun, he always seems puzzled that other people play with his toys, not that he seems to mind, I expect the not wanting to share will eventually come but he seems quite happy about it at the moment.
Swimming lessons are going well, we must try and get to the pool more often though, we have fallen out of the habit of going every day, its just too cold at the moment
The sandals I bought have been a bit of a disaster, far too big, so I have been into town again today to buy some more. If a Clarks shoes person ever reads this, please open a branch in Antigua. So 4 shops into our trip and I spot the perfect pair of velcro trainers. With much faffing in trying to get Toby to sit still and hold his foot flat, why he suddenly developed claws for feet I shall never know, he kept the assistant entertained though, we finally have a good fit (fingers crossed they still fit tomorrow) and very smart they are too.
A few steps have been taken, but I wouldn't go as far as to say he can walk, he much prefers zooming around on all fours, he's keeping us in suspense, I expect he'll do it when I'm not around.
We had all Toby's playmates around on Wednesday morning which was fun, he always seems puzzled that other people play with his toys, not that he seems to mind, I expect the not wanting to share will eventually come but he seems quite happy about it at the moment.
Swimming lessons are going well, we must try and get to the pool more often though, we have fallen out of the habit of going every day, its just too cold at the moment