Monday, March 27, 2006
An update at last
Well after repeated atempts to upload some photos of Toby's birthday, I finally gave up, it seems that I have saved them in the wrong format and my IT adviser is back in Antigua so it may be some time before I can get it sorted.
However, a good time was had by all and Toby is now officially a toddler! His walking is really getting good now but he does sometimes still remind me of a drunken old man!
We have had some indicators that more teeth are on the way, but no sign just yet, which is probably just as well as he has decided that brushing is not something he wants to do but he does like to chew the brush so that will have to suffice for the time being.
I will try to update more regularly but I seem to spend so much time running after Toby that I have no time for anything else!
Just a quick word of congratulations to my cousin Liz who gave birth yesterday to Molly, well done, we look forward to meeting her soon.

One photo has appeared, this is Toby munching some birthday tea
Sunday, March 19, 2006
He's growing up
Toby thoroughly enjoyed his birthday bash yesterday, I think its safe to say he likes being the centre of attention and if there are presents too then that's a bonus!
Technical problems, will update later on...
Technical problems, will update later on...
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Cor blimey its cold!!
We made it back safe and sound, Toby wasn't too bad on the flight just a few screeches, I'm sure the other passengers would say he was a nightmare though!
We've already been to Clarks and had feet measured and purchased lovely red shoes and welly boots! Toby seems quite bemused by the cold, for the first time he seems quite happy to wear a hat and doesn't object to being covered by a blanket in the car. Poor thing is suffering with his cold and has a horrid cough, just like his Dad!
We are just going to have a birthday tea on Saturday, everyone is welcome but please email me first.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Homeward Bound
This afternoon we are leaving the sunshine to head back to England, Toby and I will be staying until the end of April, Kevin will be coming and going as he has business here.
Unfortunately Toby has come down with a cold so we don't hold out much hope for a quiet flight, I pity the other poor folk on the plane!
We have been to Dominica this week, which was lovely, but Toby is always unsettled when we are away from home so a restless night was had by all, it doesn't bode well for the first few days back in England.
We will be having a birthday celebration of some sort next weekend, will keep you informed and invited when we know what's what.
Unfortunately Toby has come down with a cold so we don't hold out much hope for a quiet flight, I pity the other poor folk on the plane!
We have been to Dominica this week, which was lovely, but Toby is always unsettled when we are away from home so a restless night was had by all, it doesn't bode well for the first few days back in England.
We will be having a birthday celebration of some sort next weekend, will keep you informed and invited when we know what's what.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Toby's got the Clap!!
OK, bad joke but this weeks achievement is clapping. He refuses to do it when you prompt him but he'll suddenly clap when you least expect it and then fall about laughing.
He has been a bit less grumpy over the past few days and managed swimming lessons without screaming, lets hope that he continues to get better, I worry that he'll scream when we get on the plane and not stop for the whole flight.
We still haven't booked our flights but we'll do it this week, I hope they are not full!
I just asked Kevin what I should include today and his response was "he's asleep, hooray"
I want to say hello to my nephew Indie, he has to go into hospital on Monday for a small op, be a big brave boy for mummy and we'll see you soon.